Ask 99.99% of parents across the world and they’ll tell you that all they want is for their children to be happy. The prospect of a son or daughter going to university is a big step, but when you add in the possibility of doing so in America, it’s even more daunting. Becoming a student-athlete in the US is no easy feat and requires the best support possible to make it happen.
Here, we’ll introduce a few ways in which parents can make a massive difference to their child’s recruitment process. In addition, we’ll discuss some things to avoid if you want to help your son/daughter progress in their College search.
Be Proactive in Research and Fact-Finding
Just like with anything in life, the more organised and thorough you are in preparation and research, the better the results tend to be. Whilst it should be your child that leads with wanting to learn more about the US university/scholarship system, parents should also gather as much information as possible.
It’s very common for most families to initially think about what costs are involved. So before this ‘dream‘ becomes a reality, you need to establish the facts and figures. Athleticademix strives to give every family an individual set of expectations so that you can make an informed decision. But our biggest advice is to research this process together with you son or daughter. In order to make it work, you’ll all need to be on the same page from day one! Read more on our Website!
Let Your Child Lead!
We cannot stress this point strongly enough. It applies not just to the initial fact-finding, but also to the entire College recruiting process. For those who work with Athleticademix, we always want parents and clients to feel included. However, it is important for us that we focus the main communication with the client. After all, they are going to be the ones living this experience in a different country, so the self-accountability starts right away!
We also encourage parents to help with things like SAT registration, video footage compilation and other tasks along the way. But, for instance, when it comes to communicating with College coaches, the student-athlete should always take the lead. Coaches want to hear from the individual they are recruiting, not a Mother of Father responding on their behalf! At some point in the dialogue, the coaches will of course include parents as they acknowledge the importance of having everyone on board. But your son or daughter should always be encouraged to demonstrate their maturity and personality to College coaches.
Maintain Good Contact with Athleticademix!
From the very first time you speak with Athleticademix, we are a constant resource for clients and their parents, alike. So, while we will undoubtedly communicate mostly with your daughter or son, we also want to keep a strong dialogue with Mum & Dad throughout.
It’s crucial that parents feel comfortable working with us and can pick up the phone or write an email to us when needed. Every family has dozens, if not hundreds, of questions during the process. We are here to answer them all! One of the best things about this job from our point of view is the working relationships that later merge into friendships. Arguably the most rewarding part for us is when a parent becomes not just a client but a friend that we keep in touch with as their child thrives in the US! Remember – part of our team is made up of parents of former and current student-athletes. Karen and Mark Scarbrow know precisely what a parent is going through and offer a great resource!
Read more on College in the USA – A Parent’s Perspective
Encourage Your Child!
Okay, so this last point is perhaps a little bit of an obvious statement. That being said, it is not intended to come across as patronising, but more aimed at highlighting how much positive impact this can have.
Academics should be top of your child’s priorities if they want to maximise their College options and scholarship offers. If your son/daughter is already super-dedicated to their studies, that’s fantastic. But, if they need extra help or encouragement, parents can be a key component (alongside teachers).
The same goes for your child’s sporting pursuits. Many parents travel the length and breadth of the country supporting their child’s favourite pastime. But ensuring you’re there when it goes well to offer praise is equally as important as being the one to console them when it doesn’t go so well. Let the coaches do the coaching – your child needs you for so much more than that!
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